There’s actually another organization that I started to get involved with, and it ties in so well with GallantFew. And GallantFew does a lot of this as well, but it’s called Vital Warrior, and I recommend you look into it. It’s a holistic way, and I talked to Mikal Vega, the other day, and he’s a former Navy Seal – and he’s the one that started this- and he’s an actor now.

I would like to see GallantFew with the notoriety that Wounded Warrior does- but without the stigma of Wounded Warrior. I support nothing that has anything to do with Wounded Warrior. No one from GallantFew does. But to have our name, to have that reach, and to have people see the way we operate and the way that we conduct ourselves- I think that would be the pivot point for really truly bridging that gap on a grander scale- between the civilian community and those who have served.

And veterans are everywhere. And almost everyone from GallantFew are volunteers. And I think it needs to stay that way- I really do. But people are seeing that we’re volunteering, and that we’re everywhere in corporations- and people just don’t know. I mean I landed two jobs because of GallantFew’s network. And then people don’t know. “I didn’t know he was a veteran, I didn’t know he did x, y, and z…” or even “you’re a veteran- but you understand this so well…” Well we’re just like you. We just didn’t get to pick out our clothes every day for a couple of years, you know?

I would just really like to see GallantFew continuing on the path that they’re on right now, because the way Karl’s vision for the organization is, and because the way we operate, is very smart and it’s very systematic, and it’s very grassroots driven. And it continues to teach us to rely on each other.

If someone calls GallantFew asking a question- that individual might not have the answer. But he/she can call someone else, and the next thing you know there are five other people calling back with answers. I’ll get a call from a veteran, who has a problem. And I’ll find out where they live- and I’ll say “let me check my network, and I’ll have someone in touch with you within the next week.” And within the week, I have a veteran within the roundabouts. “Hey so and so- I have this veteran, he’s in your area, here’s his phone number- you mind giving him a call and linking up with them to see what’s going on. Give him a hand and really get that face to face interaction.”

And the next thing you know I’m getting a call from the veteran I spoke to a week earlier, and he’s saying “How did you do that? That was amazing!” Veterans are everywhere man, and we still want to give back and take care of each other. And this support is really amazing.

So I think we’re going about this the right way, but for us to have that level of notoriety will really be a big tipping point as far as people understanding- one- what the problem is, but two this imaginary, cultural rift between the two societies- and if they just got together and talked, and figured each other out- we’d be fine. It’s no different than being a military kid and moving to a new school, you’ve got to figure it out and meet new people and see how everything works- it’s simple.